A MORE MODEST 16 miles run down to Matterdale and back this evening. Indoors for much of the afternoon with my books (so not suffering!), whilst heavy rain replenished Cumbria’s Lakes, it became a bit drier by late afternoon whilst still drizzly. Such an evening makes for some of Lakeland’s best sights. Black, properly black and brooding clouds cling to the Fells like oil paint and it’s as though the sun’s rays compete with each other to see which can pierce the darkness most gloriously. Fields and Fells and the little square windows in the cottages shine. Sheep and cattle are alternately startled by, and curiously friendly towards, the bike’s sudden appearance. One doesn’t notice the character in their faces in such detail when noisily grinding-by in a car. Cows are marvellously ponderous, chewing the cud – as I seek to be as I turn to meditation and prayer, though I dare say they’re better at it. Rabbits run like the wind. But tonight it was the startled deer that was the prize-winning marvel. Speed and grace as she bolted up, up and over a hill into the sunset made me think of Narnia and of Wonderland.
O Lord, open my lips. And my mouth shall shew forth thy praise.